Life is Often Too Seriously Taken, so for that reason, I'm going to post a silly poem from time-to-time. These first several will each be taken from a small booklet entitled, Lighten Up! 100 Funny Little Poems, compiled and edited by Bruce Lansky.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This is the way the bathroom goes...

(Bathroom Lovingly Under Renovation by Shady-and-her-friends!!)

Grandchild in the tub on November 23, 2009.  This is about one of the best photos I could find of the tub as it used to be:  Wallpaper and mirrors on the wall, a tiled ledge on either end of the tub, with the same bright tile all over!

But things had to change...

Wallpaper and mirrors --- gone.  Carpet covering the front wall of the tub --- gone.

Demolition begins with removal of the tile

Then, removal of the framework

With a little clean-up!

May 13, 2011
Getting ready to set the tub in place

The start of a (previously non-existent) closet wall

Have you ever tiled?

First time experience por moi!
 July 10, 2011

Starting the back wall!

Acquisition of Bullnosed tile

 Half the job grouted - July 17, 2011

A couple of cuts on bull-nosed tile...

Grout and tile are finished - 7/18/11!

 July 15, 2011
Closet and other work

Getting into "tight places!"


Plumbers came, finished the job:  affixing the hardware and turning on water!
Another Granddaughter in the tub!

There are still projects to finish - more about that later 
 (except to say - wall treatment, light fixtures, and painting!).

I haven't noticed anything "shady" about the project, at all!  :-)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

4th of July, 2011 - a little saga

During the Spring of 2010, I was asked to create a pair of soft sculpture "scare the birds" for my parents' neighbors.
Below, you will see the result of my efforts.

However, I visited my mom last week and the poor couple was standing outdoors, looking very sad and uncomfortable. It was time for a facelift! What do you think, now?

And Now...

The couple was standing
in the neighbor's yard,
I tried so not to stare -
But my, oh my! it was hard.

They stood arm-in-arm...
and I grinned (I confess),
at he, in red ballcap;
she with her green plaid dress.

They stood there so sweetly,
right there in the yard,
and I tried not to notice...
but my! Not staring was hard!

They were busy, it seemed,
as I passed to Mom's door.
So I turned round to peek,
for a glance - just once more.

What were they doing,
that couple so sweet?
Twirling their sparklers,
as they walked toward the street!
(This photo was taken at the onset of fireworks in Keosauqua, Iowa)

"Happy 4th of July -
Independence Day fun!
Our best wishes to you,
Please pass them to everyone!"

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