Life is Often Too Seriously Taken, so for that reason, I'm going to post a silly poem from time-to-time. These first several will each be taken from a small booklet entitled, Lighten Up! 100 Funny Little Poems, compiled and edited by Bruce Lansky.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Some People Went to Malvern... Others Visited at the Arts and Convention Center!

Rosalie was put on Watch...

(all the photos should enlarge somewhat, if you click on them)

The rest of the group was patiently waiting...
Suddenly, we heard her familiar voice!

"Here I am! First, I thought I'd never find a parking place. (She said as she rounded the corner). Then I had to battle the crowd. (She said as she straightened her glasses.) Have you ever seen so many people? I mean, really! (She said as she settled herself into her chair.) I know I'm not the shortest person in the world, but I thought I was going to be trampled!" (She said as she glanced at each of her fellow members of the 'Gabby Garden Gals' -gardeners extraordinaire.)

All this from last club member to arrive for the First Friday Art Walk's Garden Party!

Perhaps now we can introduce ourselves properly.

Though I wasn't completely handy with the camera (and I missed a few people), here are more members of our group!

You've met Rosalie. She's the most dedicated outdoors-woman we know! She's still outside, in front of the Civic Center, meeting and greeting. However, you'll never know when she might inspire someone else to join our Garden Club!

Meet Bertha Penelope, Francine Weidermore (she's very handy with the hoe and trowel!),

Matilda Marie, Gladys,

Agnes, and Myrtle Underkirker

Of course last, but not least, are Harry and Hazel Didt heir Veedin'. They do seem very serene, but they're not the only ones that have finished their Weeding! Just ask Francine! ;-)
We had a wonderful time meeting and greeting the myriad of people streaming through, as they enjoyed the First Friday Art Walk of May 2010.

Who knows? It might have been Rosalie, but it might have been the rest of us, too! I wonder if we have a prospective new member for our Gabby Garden Gals club? :-)

A fun time was had by all!

Happy Gardening!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Getting Ready for the Big Event!

Enter the Didt heir Veedin's! Harry has been volunteered as the Designated Driver of the Gabby Garden Gals' Garden Club. They will converge upon the Arts and Convention Center, Friday May 7, 2010 at 5:00 P.M.

Yes, they're having a Garden Party midst the May 2010 First Friday Art Walk. YOU will be invited to share their fun!

The Didt heir Veedin's
are smiling because they already
Did their Weeding!

Happy Gardening!