Life is Often Too Seriously Taken, so for that reason, I'm going to post a silly poem from time-to-time. These first several will each be taken from a small booklet entitled, Lighten Up! 100 Funny Little Poems, compiled and edited by Bruce Lansky.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Dinner!

Click on the movie below, and ENJOY.

Hope your Christmas was even more enjoyable than this!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Beau Poem

Does anyone remember Jimmy Stewart? He was quite a fellow. A good role model.

Monday, December 20, 2010


We bought him for a watchdog
But he mixes up his ends:
He wags his tail at strangers,
And barks at all our friends.

We got him for protection,
We thought he'd earn his keep.
But he frightens little children ---
When he isn't fast asleep.

He's very fond of hoboes
And gypsies and the like,
But nips the friendly postman
And the newsboy on his bike.

He causes feuds and lawsuits,
he keeps us tense and grim . . .
We bought him for a watchdog,
But we keep watch on him.

by Richard Armour

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Seasons in Life

You might like to watch this presentation. It takes several minutes, but, if you have the time, it's well worth it.

Click on the title below:

The Seasons in Life

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Hunter

The hunter crouches in his blind

'Neath camouflage of every kind,

And conjures up a quacking noise

to lend allure to his decoys.

This grown-up man, with pluck and luck,

Is hoping to outwit a duck.

----Ogden Nash

Dedicated to someone I know.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas With a Capital "C"

Looking forward to Christmas? These young men comprise a group called Go Fish. Enjoy their video/song.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

On Marriage...

Room Temperature

Some hoist the windows, gasp for air,
While others find it chilly.
Some turn up thermostats a hair,
While others think them silly.

Some like it cold, some like it hot,
Some freeze, while others smother.
And by some fiendish, fatal plot,
They marry one another.

---Richard Armour
graphic from

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Life is Often Too Seriously Taken

So... for that reason, I'm going to post a silly poem from time-to-time. These first several will each be taken from a small booklet entitled, Lighten Up! 100 Funny Little Poems, compiled and edited by Bruce Lansky.

Slight Mistake

So I took his horse

And had it shot.

When I returned

The Prince wailed, "What?

Shot my horse?

You stupid clod!

I said to go and have it shod!"

---William Rossa Cole

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Grandchild Painting #5

This is an acrylic rendition of the last of my grandchildren to receive a painting/drawing of themselves for Christmas. Hope she likes it!!! :-)

Love you, A!

Gingerbread Christmas!

The local Art Association board asked people to decorate gingerbread houses (already baked and assembled by some wonderful people) to be sold to local businesses as a fundraiser. Please enjoy the photos below... hopefully they've all been decorated by now! :-)

This is "mine."
Actually, a friend and I decorated it together. What do you think?

What a fun day! :-)
Are you looking forward to a special holiday season? Any special Christmas plans in the works?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Grandchild #5 Has His Quilt!

This is the finished quilt. It was finished in the motel the night before we left for home. (This photo was taken in the motel hallway!) ha.

Getting a little closer...

Closer still . . .

I had it machine quilted. The owner of our local quilt shop has a long-arm quilter. Didn't she do a great job?? :-)

Here's my grandchild - loving his new quilt!

:-) Happy Grandma.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Thief at Large!

Be on the Look Out! :-)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Some People Went to Malvern... Others Visited at the Arts and Convention Center!

Rosalie was put on Watch...

(all the photos should enlarge somewhat, if you click on them)

The rest of the group was patiently waiting...
Suddenly, we heard her familiar voice!

"Here I am! First, I thought I'd never find a parking place. (She said as she rounded the corner). Then I had to battle the crowd. (She said as she straightened her glasses.) Have you ever seen so many people? I mean, really! (She said as she settled herself into her chair.) I know I'm not the shortest person in the world, but I thought I was going to be trampled!" (She said as she glanced at each of her fellow members of the 'Gabby Garden Gals' -gardeners extraordinaire.)

All this from last club member to arrive for the First Friday Art Walk's Garden Party!

Perhaps now we can introduce ourselves properly.

Though I wasn't completely handy with the camera (and I missed a few people), here are more members of our group!

You've met Rosalie. She's the most dedicated outdoors-woman we know! She's still outside, in front of the Civic Center, meeting and greeting. However, you'll never know when she might inspire someone else to join our Garden Club!

Meet Bertha Penelope, Francine Weidermore (she's very handy with the hoe and trowel!),

Matilda Marie, Gladys,

Agnes, and Myrtle Underkirker

Of course last, but not least, are Harry and Hazel Didt heir Veedin'. They do seem very serene, but they're not the only ones that have finished their Weeding! Just ask Francine! ;-)
We had a wonderful time meeting and greeting the myriad of people streaming through, as they enjoyed the First Friday Art Walk of May 2010.

Who knows? It might have been Rosalie, but it might have been the rest of us, too! I wonder if we have a prospective new member for our Gabby Garden Gals club? :-)

A fun time was had by all!

Happy Gardening!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Getting Ready for the Big Event!

Enter the Didt heir Veedin's! Harry has been volunteered as the Designated Driver of the Gabby Garden Gals' Garden Club. They will converge upon the Arts and Convention Center, Friday May 7, 2010 at 5:00 P.M.

Yes, they're having a Garden Party midst the May 2010 First Friday Art Walk. YOU will be invited to share their fun!

The Didt heir Veedin's
are smiling because they already
Did their Weeding!

Happy Gardening!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

An Update on the Garden Lady Sculptures

Oh! I did laugh when I opened an e-mail last night!

Three nearly completed garden ladies were looking at me, each with their creators!

I've spent a little time lately with Hazel Didt heir Veedin' (she still needs a pair of gloves), and
two scare-the-birds heads. These two heads are still "works-in-progress." Hopefully I can make one more next week.

I'm just now going to look for some wigs and a pair of pants for Harry Didt heir Veedin. After those errands, I'm going to help my friend N with her garden figure. She and I will be working on a body, arms and legs for her figure tonight.

We finished Mathilda Marie this evening. By 9:15 P.M. tonight, she was looking lovely. All she needs is a pair of little white gloves. :-)

For your information, all these Garden Ladies and friends have been invited to a Garden Party on Friday, May 7 in front of our local Civic Center. YOU will be invited to "Read all about it" after-the-fact. :-)

More to come...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

You're Going to Love These Garden Ladies!

I've posted on these ladies before... but thought I'd just give you a quick history that might bring you up-to-date. (If you want to view the previous post, click here.)

This post will show a bit of the evolution of our garden lady faces. We are currently involved in creating bodies for some of them... and hope to have a "public showing" in a couple of weeks. Just for fun! :-)

These couple of photos show us during our very first work session last November (2009).

C with her head.

The head in the foreground is N's.

Our second workshop in December was hilarious!
N's head shows a lot of progress.

C is busy working here! You can see quite a bit of progress.

B has just begun her head . . .
. . . as has J.
CD's head in progress - #1


This progression shows how Mr. (Harry) Didt heir Veedin's personality emerged.

Here's a trio - at left, Mrs. (Hazel) Didt heir Veedin', CD's head, and Mr. (Harry) Didt heir Veedin'.

Here are the Didt heir Veedin's with their friends!

This progression shows B's head being finished.

The ladies have gone through different hair styles and hats...
who's to say they're finished? ;-)

Our Garden Club met recently. Here we are posing with our ladies! :-)

CD's garden lady head.

B's garden lady's head.

J's Garden Lady Head

N's Garden Lady's head (no hair as yet)

And my Hazel Didt heir Veedin'

C is still working... but she'll finish in time (peer pressure!). ha.

A Progress report will be posted after the First Friday Artwalk (the first Friday in May). Get Ready!! :-)